commissioned for customer SITAEL S.p.A in Italy.
Rovsing will also deliver a MiniCOTE system to
SITAEL for the PLATiNO programme.
In November 2022, Airbus DS awarded Rovsing
with the contract to deliver the ARIEL mission
Satellite Interface Simulators (SIS). Following the
kick-off of the project end of November 2022, the
CDR was conducted in February 2023 with the
assembly and integration of the first two sets being
completed with a TRR in August 2023 and deliveries
scheduled for autumn 2023.
Further in August, Rovsing received a contract from
EUMETSAT and commenced work on the
Evaluation of their IVV processes and methods for
supporting their future ways of working. This
contract was successfully concluded with a final
report and recommendations in July 2023,
following in-depth analysis, interviews and
workshops conducted during 2022/23.
Astroscale UK selected Rovsing to deliver the
Power SCOE for their upcoming ELSA-M mission,
which will be designed and optimised to remove
multiple satellites from Low Earth Orbit in a single
orbital mission. The Rovsing solution for the Power
SCOE is realized in just one rack. A successful Kick-
off meeting was held with Astroscale in September
2022 followed by a conclusion on the CDR in
January 2023. The Power SCOE was fully
assembled and integrated leading up to the TRR in
The European Commission Copernicus programme
provides vital data from satellites which help
address challenges such as urbanisation, food
security, rising sea levels, diminishing polar ice,
natural disasters and, of course, climate change.
Rovsing has contributed to many of the current
suite of Sentinel satellite missions. Looking to the
future the capabilities of the Copernicus space
component is being enhanced by six new satellites
CRISTAL), currently being developed by ESA and
built by European industry. Rovsing has already
secured multiple contracts and is working on 4 out
of 6 satellites with different primes (LSTM, ROSE-
May 2023. Following
successful Factory
Acceptance Testing (FAT) campaign the ELSA-M
Power SCOE was delivered to Astroscale at the end
of June 2023. From Kick-off to delivery in less than
10 months – showcasing the efficiency of Rovsing’s
building-block approach to realizing turn-key
systems fulfilling customer specifications.
OHB awarded Rovsing the FORUM Platform
Emulator SCOE. FORUM is an ESA mission which
will measure Earth’s outgoing radiation in the far-
infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum that
has never been measured from space before. The
Platform Emulator SCOE project was kicked-off in
January 2023 and completed the CDR milestone in
June 2023 ahead of a planned delivery before end
of 2023. OHB has in July 2023 awarded Rovsing
with a 2nd FORUM contract, this time for the
Thermal EGSE which is scheduled to be delivered
summer of 2024.
Rovsing was awarded the CRISTAL Boot SW
Validation contract by TAS-F with a KO held in
January 2023, but due to programme shift the
Rovsing activities are shifted to pick up pace in
autumn 2023.
Airbus DS selected Rovsing to deliver the Power
SCOEs as well as the Power Front-Ends for the
Copernicus CRISTAL and LSTM missions. Activities
were kicked-off in September and November
respectively. For the Power Front-Ends the CDR
was completed successfully in February 2023 and
the TRR in June 2023. The first Power Front-End
delivery was shipped to Airbus DS in August 2023
and the second set is expected to ship before end
of 2023. The CDR for the Power SCOE project was
successfully conducted in July 2023 following the
delivery of the CDR data-pack in June 2023. The
Power SCOE racks are currently being assembled in
Rovsing facilities with deliveries planned for spring
2024 and autumn 2025 of sets 1 and 2 respectively.
In June 2023, TAS-I awarded Rovsing with a
contract for supplying a Power SCOE for a
domestic European Military satellite. The kick-off
was conducted successfully in early July 2023 with
deliveries scheduled for spring and autumn 2024 of
the respective two sets.
Rovsing has continued support for the Artemis
missions with the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew
Vehicle (MPCV) European Service Module (ESM).
Four Solar Array Wing Front End Equipment (SAW
FEE) systems are deployed, two with Airbus DS in
Bremen and Ariane Group in Les Mureaux, one with
Lockheed Martin in Colorado for the Integrated
Test Lab and the fourth with NASA at the Kennedy
Space Center. Three MPCV-ESM PCDU EGSE have
also been delivered to Leonardo in Milan. As part of
the NASA Artemis and Lunar Gateway
In June 2023, Rovsing and TAS-I conducted the
successful Kick-off of the CIMR UMB/COTE SCOE
project with deliveries scheduled for mid-2024 and
end 2024 of the respective two sets.
The ROSE-L Power EGSEs were awarded to
Rovsing by TAS-I in July 2023 with delivery
scheduled for autumn 2024.