Q1 - Q3 2023
In addition to the individual write-downs, on this basis the Bank
has maintained a significant management reserve of DKK 46.5
million to counter risks.
The profit before tax is thereafter TDKK 170,824, having
increased by TDKK 105,623 from the same period of 2022.
Development in the quarter
Net interest and fee income amounted to TDKK 104,056 in
Q1 and to TDKK 99,933 in Q2. In Q3, the item amounted to
TDKK 111,043. The difference between Q1 and Q2 is
primarily due to periodically higher fee and commission income
in Q1. In Q3, the increase was primarily due to an increase in
interest income.
Total costs amounted to TDKK 56,914 in Q1, and to TDKK
51,814 in Q2. In Q3, the item amounted to TDKK 51,492. Staff
expenses decreased in Q2, since in Q1 holiday allowance, etc.
is paid, but is not paid in the subsequent quarters. Other
administration costs also fell in Q2 compared to Q1.
The profit before value adjustments and write-downs thereby
increased in Q3, to TDKK 61,002, which is TDKK 11,270
higher than in Q2 2023 and TDKK 12,438 higher than in Q1
2023. Profit before tax increased to DKK 53.5 million in Q2
2023, from DKK 49.4 million in Q1 2023. In Q3, profit before
tax amounted to DKK 67.8 million.
Lending increased by TDKK 45,355 in Q1, by TDKK 240,058 in
Q2, and by TDKK 33,384 in Q3, which overall corresponds to
an increase of 7.3% from the end of 2022. At the start of the
year, it was expected that the favourable economic
development in Greenland would increase the Bank's lending.
Deposits increased by TDKK 69,612 in Q1, by TDKK 50,000 in
Q2, and by TDKK 226,915 in Q3 2023. In overall terms, the
increase in deposits from the end of 2022 is thus TDKK
Balance sheet and equity
In the first three quarters, the Bank’s lending grew satisfactorily
by TDKK 318,797, to TDKK 4,672,382, while the Bank’s
guarantees to customers fell by TDKK 65,494 from the end of
2022, and amounted to TDKK 1,868,631 at the end of
September 2023.
The Bank increased its bond holdings in 2023, and bonds
totalled TDKK 1,279,636 at the end of Q3.
Other assets decreased by TDKK 17,143 from the end of 2022
to September 2023. The primary reason is a reduction in the
Bank’s capital contribution to BEC.
The Bank's deposits, which predominantly comprise on-
demand deposits, amounted to TDKK 6,289,006 at the end of
September 2023, which is an increase of TDKK 346,527 from
the end of 2022. The Bank continues to have a stable
deposit/lending ratio of approximately 135%.
After payment of the dividend of TDKK 36,000 for 2022
adopted by the Annual General Meeting, the Bank's equity
increased from TDKK 1,318,592 to TDKK 1,422,847.
Total assets thereafter increased by TDKK 574,013 to TDKK
Uncertainty of recognition and measurement
The principal uncertainties concerning recognition and
measurement are related to write-downs on lending, provisions
on guarantees and non-utilised credit facilities, together with
the valuation of properties, unlisted securities and financial
instruments. The management assesses that the presentation of
the accounts is subject to an appropriate level of uncertainty.
Ordinary inspection by the Danish Financial
Supervisory Authority
In May 2023, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
conducted an ordinary inspection of the Bank.
At the end of September 2023, the Bank received a report on
the inspection. The report stipulates six mandatory orders to
the Bank and a supplement of 0.1% to the solvency
requirement. The supplement to the solvency requirement was
recognised as at 30 September 2023.
Financial risks
The BANK of Greenland is exposed to various financial risks,
which are managed at different levels of the organisation. The
Bank’s financial risks consist of:
Credit risk: Risk of loss as a consequence of debtors’ or
counterparties’ default on actual payment obligations.
Market risk: Risk of loss as a consequence of fluctuation in the
fair value of financial instruments and derivative financial
instruments due to changes in market prices. The BANK of
Greenland classifies three types of risk within the market risk
area: interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk and share risk.