Property, vessels and equipment, continued
Vessels Containers
Land and under and
Carrying amounts buildings Vessels construction equipment Total
70,881 44,363 26,380 84,619 226,243
76,147 102,868 0 68,567 247,582
74,283 95,413 0 60,220 229,916
Buildings and Vehicies and
Land Cold storage Vessels Equipment Total
9,900 19,718 7,119 18,953 55,690
439 29,119 6,062 5,831 41,451
0 1,636)( 3,224)( 485)( 5,345)(
0 388)( 640)( 5,288)( 6,316)(
0 14)( 0 139)( 153)(
10,339 46,799 9,317 18,872 85,327
10,339 46,799 9,317 18,872 85,327
0 4,838)( 3,480)( 2,549)( 10,867)(
0 1,789 4 125 1,918
15,176 48,926 62,124 20,659 146,885
318 3,999 1,305 5,582 11,204
319 4,922 6,190 3,851 15,282
0 1,636)( 3,225)( 485)( 5,346)(
0 244)( 385)( 2,431)( 3,060)(
0 134)( 26 21)( 129)(
637 6,907 3,911 6,496 17,951
637 6,907 3,911 6,496 17,951
397 5,479 11,316 3,609 20,801
0 1,534)( 5,866)( 531)( 7,931)(
0 1,007)( 1,898)( 1,774)( 4,679)(
0 194 10)( 45 229
1,034 10,039 7,453 7,845 26,371
New and amended leases ...............................................
Currency adjustments ......................................................
Expired leases ..................................................................
Divestments .....................................................................
At 31 December 2021 ........................................................
Right-of-use assets are specified as follows:
Property, vessels and equipment with a carrying amount of EUR 117,7 million (2020: EUR 123.6 million) have been pledged as
security for loans amounting to EUR 146,0 million (2020: EUR 160.8 million) at year-end.
New and amended leases ...............................................
Expired leases ..................................................................
Balance at 1 January 2021 .................................................
Divestments .....................................................................
Currency adjustments ......................................................
Balance at 31 December 2021 ..........................................
Divestments .....................................................................
At 31 December 2020 .......................................................
Balance at 1 January 2020 ................................................
Balance at 1 January 2020 ................................................
Expired leases ..................................................................
Balance at 1 January 2021 .................................................
Depreciation .....................................................................
Balance at 31 December 2021 ..........................................
Divestments .....................................................................
Currency adjustments ......................................................
Expired leases ..................................................................
Balance at 31 December 2020 .........................................
Depreciation .....................................................................
Balance at 31 December 2020 .........................................
At 1 January 2020 .............................................................
Currency adjustments ......................................................
Consolidated Financial Statements of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. 2021
Amounts are in thousands of EUR