1.5. Procedures for convening and conducting
a general meeting of shareholders should
provide shareholders with equal opportunities to
participate in the general meeting of shareholders
and should not prejudice the rights and interests
of shareholders. The chosen venue, date and
time of the general meeting of shareholders
should not prevent active participation of
shareholders at the general meeting. In the
notice of the general meeting of shareholders
being convened, the company should specify the
last day on which the proposed draft decisions
should be submitted at the latest.
Shareholders are informed about convening of the
General Meetings of Shareholders in accordance with the
requirements of legislation and the Company’s articles of
methods and means of announcement. The opportunity to
participate in the Meeting is supplemented by the option of
voting by ballot or authorizing another person to represent
the shareholder. The General Meeting of Shareholders is
always held at the Company’s headquarters. In the notice
of the General Meeting of Shareholders being convened,
the Company does not restrict the right of shareholders
to submit new draft decisions either before or during the
meeting, and this is clearly stated in the notice of the
General Meeting of Shareholders being convened in both
Lithuanian and English.
1.6. With a view to ensure the right of shareholders
living abroad to access the information, it is
recommended, where possible, that documents
prepared for the general meeting of shareholders
in advance should be announced publicly not
only in Lithuanian language but also in English
and/or other foreign languages in advance. It is
recommended that the minutes of the general
meeting of shareholders after the signing thereof
and/or adopted decisions should be made available
publicly not only in Lithuanian language but also
in English and/or other foreign languages. It
is recommended that this information should
be placed on the website of the company. Such
documents may be published to the extent that
their public disclosure is not detrimental to the
company or the company’s commercial secrets are
not revealed.
All documents and information relevant to the Company's
general meetings of shareholders, including the notice of
the convened meeting, draft resolutions, draft resolutions
of the meeting are public and simultaneously published in
Lithuanian and English through the Nasdaq Vilnius regulated
notice distribution system and additionally published on the
Company's website in the Regulated Information sections.
and Shareholders' Meetings.
1.7. Shareholders who are entitled to vote should
be furnished with the opportunity to vote at the
general meeting of shareholders both in person
and in absentia. Shareholders should not be
prevented from voting in writing in advance by
completing the general voting ballot.
Shareholders of the Company may exercise their right
to vote in the General Meeting in person or through a
representative upon issuance of proper proxy or having
concluded an agreement on the transfer of their voting rights
in the manner compliant with the legal regulations, also the
shareholder may vote by completing the General Voting
Ballot in the manner provided by the Law on Companies.
1.8. With a view to increasing the shareholders’
meetings of shareholders, it is recommended that
companies should apply modern technologies on
a wider scale and thus provide shareholders with
the conditions to participate and vote in general
meetings of shareholders via electronic means
of communication. In such cases the security of
transmitted information must be ensured and it
must be possible to identify the participating and
voting person.
In accordance with the provisions of legal acts, the Company
must enable shareholders to participate in the General
Meeting of Shareholders and vote by means of electronic
communication, as well as submit a voting instruction when
it is required by shareholders whose shares hold at least
1/10 of all votes.
1.9. It is recommended that the notice on the draft
decisions of the general meeting of shareholders
being convened should specify new candidatures
of members of the collegial body, their proposed
remuneration and the proposed audit company
if YES If these issues are on the agenda of the
general meeting of shareholders, all required
information on the proposed collegial body, audit
the general meeting of shareholders. Where it is
proposed to elect a new member of the collegial
body, it is recommended that the information
about his/her educational background, work
experience and other managerial positions held
(or proposed) should be provided.
If these issues are on the agenda of the general meeting
of shareholders, all required information on the proposed
decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders.